Physical Education
Is the skills foundation
Different movements and action
With health satisfaction
Develop active participation
And physical health aspiration
Trying to boost your hidden talents
Through the different events
Using outdoor and indoor games
That has different unique names
Level-up your self-confidence
Develop your skills and talents
P.E I love this subject because for me its the easiest and also because in this subject i can play my favorite sport and it is basketball it helps my physical strength to be enhance.
In the P.E subject I Learned a lot Of sports, what their meaning, rules, history and their basic skills. In P.E I learned many Experiences Like on how to play chess, dart, Scrabble game and many more. On the past I didn't know how to play those game. But in P.E its a previllage to learned and to know how to play the game. So that I can share my knowledge to others in the future.
My reflection in Physical Education is that I know the different games its history and how to play it. Students are challenge to score in their own in every games that we take for our own grades. We have individual games, dual games, team games to identify. It is also give the student the change to share their skills in every game that they played.